Success Enemy Number One

Do you know what acts as your Success Enemy number one?

Subconscious Blocks are Success Enemy Number One. How to know if you suffer from any? It is easy.

Have you ever put off something important that you had to do even though you knew how to do it? And then caught yourself up in the act of having procrastinated AGAIN. Oops, I did it again. And I can not give it a logical answer ‘Why’.

Most people spin their wheels this way their whole life. They have their logical mind on the gas pedal, but a much bigger emotional part of their mind is firmly on the brake.

Especially when it comes to money. The science of the mind is significantly advanced nowadays and can easily explain this phenomenon of human psychology.

Critical and intelligent thinking is done by your frontal brain.

It operates at beta frequency. The rest of your brain operates at theta frequency and accepts information without critical thinking. As children we only have that type of brain, as critical thinking gets developed after the age of 7.

This part of the brain keeps all your beliefs without questioning them just like children soak up impressions and emotional imprints without discernment. This internalizations serve as an inner programming, a map.

These internalizations are the assumptions you made as a kid about what is and what is not possible for people like you. Beliefs about your limitations. Releasing those limiting convictions is your first priority and main target. Because they are the killer of your success.

To shift the beliefs that have entered you while your brain was operating at the theta level of frequency, you have to enter that state again, where you can receive information at the same theta level. And hypnosis does exactly that. It allows you to enter the archive in the depths of your mind and to have a good look. To make an inventory. Which beliefs have ceased to serve you in reaching your goals? And remove them.

Because you can not ever rise above the beliefs you are holding true on a subconscious level. This is why most people get stuck at the same level of success, no matter what try and no matterwhat they know.

Hypnosis is like the secret weapon for self mastery.

The facilitator of shifting beliefs within you.

All remarkable genuis people in history had this one thing in common: they had the skill of regulating their brain frequency. They knew how to instantly relax their brain to shift from beta to theta and achieve super focus. To enter theta states of incredible creativity.

All successful people have done primarily this: Acquisition of supportive convictions. Mastering of mindset. Practical work on Self. Not theory.

And if you think that a different type of action taken with the same old mindset is going to lead to some significant desired difference in your results, think again. Because this is purely dreaming, wishful thinking.

If on the other hand you are ready to shift to a stress free, drama free transformation from within that is lasting and effective, you might want to have a look at my mentorship programs here:

If you want to fly high, you have to let go of everything that weighs you down. Get all success enemies from your subconscious mind out of the way.

Stop beating yourself up about previous failures. Start new now. That is the only thing that matters. Your ‘now’ moment. Your ‘now’ decision.

Past conditioning has to stay in the past, where it belongs.

Enjoy your journey, speak soon again,


More like: Success Enemy Number One

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