Your Relationship with Money: Love or Fear?

When it comes to life and relationship with money, there are two main basic emotions and approaches: love or fear. When you earn and spend your money, you do it either with love or fear. This is what the zen millionaire Ken Honda reveals in his bestselling book ‘Happy Money: the Japanese art of making peace with your money”.

What are we afraid of, when it comes to money? All fears tied to survival are numerous, here some examples:

  • There is not enough for a rainy day
  • I may lose my money, the economy may collapse
  • Others have more, therefore there is less left for us
  • I am spending too much, making too little money

Our relationship with money gets cultivated in the home of our early upbringing by parents and relatives. Some have more negative and fear-based beliefs about money than others.
What did your grandma use to say about money?

Since very small, we have been told to do the right thing with money, to watch what we spend it on. We carry these fearful feelings into adulthood and attach them to our actions with money. It is an automatic response.

What does it mean to have a loving, abundant relationship with money?

It is probably hard for many of us to imagine having a worry-free, stress-free relationship with money. But imagine it possible for a moment: living peacefully with money.

How to live in peace with money?

People who live in peace with money exist, they do what they love and make enough for a living.They put what they love in the center of their life. They feel it and often say it: I have enough.

When they go to a restaurant, they pick not by the price, but by what their preferrances are.

They are happy with who they are, their relatonships are authentic, they hang around people they like, not people they try to impress

They like thier families and spend quality time with them, because they are not working hard, but smart.

And though sometimes they feel money stress, they tell themselves: This happens sometimes and I am always able to get through it. It will all work out.

They know how to let go of stress and not control things out of fear of what could go wrong.
They can separate what is real and what is not in regard to their fears when it comes to money.

Ken Honda calls this the “Zen approach to money”. The successful people are deliberate in their response and reaction to money. They are Zen. What is this?

The Zen approach for successful Relationship with Money

The Zen approach to life and money invites us to think of ourselves not in terms of what we do or what we are worth or what we have, but in terms of who we are. And what we are? Human be-ings.

Our purpose as humans is to be. It means being present in the moment. It means being fully grateful and in alignment with where our bodies and minds are in one time.

If you are present in the moment, you are not thinking about the past-your mistakes, your issues, what harm was done to you, and getting angry about it.

And if you are present, you are not thinking about the future, its unexpected outcomes, its potential for disasters. If you are not thinking about the future, you are not anxious, you are not fearful and you are not stressed.

So much of our stress, anxiety, and unhappiness about money comes from thinking about our past mistakes or harm done to us and needlessly worrying about all the uncertainty of the future.

Ken Honda states that we all can choose the Zen approach to money. How?

How to free your mind?

It all begins with gratitude. Instead of believing, there is not enough, you begin thinking: I have all that I need and I am so grateful for it all. I am grateful for the work I do, the food I eat, the car I drive and all the money I make.

When money comes to you, you say: Arigado.

When money goes out of your pocket, you say: Arigado, which is the Japan word for thank you

Even when money leaves you, you can say it again: grateful for how the money served you or what it is bringing to you now.

Whatever happens, you say: Thank you. Thank you is the powerful word that begins transforming your relationship with money.

The more you do this, the less stress you will have and the more happiness will flow through you and your money.

And you will quickly begin to see the money in your wallet growing because like attracts like.

Abundace is a state of mind. In exactly same way as you believe there is enough air to breathe for all living beings on a planet, you come to believe there is enough money circulating around and when you re in a state of gratitude, you are a money magnet in a state of receivership.

Books like Ken Honda’s are a recommended read in my 3 months program for creating a successful entrepreneur mindset. You can have a closer look here.

How can I help you to improve your Relationship with Money?

Together we work upon recognizing and overcoming your very privately own limiting and fear-based money beliefs and reprogram you to treat money as a welcome guest, allowing you to come and go with respect and without resentment. You are also learning about money IQ and EQ /emotional intelligence/. In the three-month-programs, with me, you unpack the myth of scarcity and embrace the process of giving money, not just receiving it

You have a good relationship with money when:

  • it doesn’t define who you are
  • you do not feel like you have to keep up with the Joneses
  • you do not stress about the future and things you can not control
  • you do not believe in the myth of scarcity
  • you are ok with where you are and what you have
  • you are not conditioned into thinking that more assets, a bigger house or a fancier car will take away all your problems and will magically transform your life
  • you know you have something to say about your own happiness and you creat it from within first
  • money doesn’t control or have power over you. you control your money, you have power over it

Let’s get in touch!

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