What does Embodiment mean? Whether you are building a new structure in your business or in your life, building new supporting relationships for yourself, “embodiment” is a tool to create a new paradigm,
Like when you are building new mental capacities to hold larger and larger amounts of money in your energetic sphere, these new feelings, the new actions, and the new results will best come through the energy of ’embodiment’.
This is the kind of energy you want to capitalize on. And here are some things to acknowledge.
In our consciousness, we are either being directed by our will or we are stuck being bounced around by external influences, events people, and circumstances. Things that are very loud and convincing.
When we have got so much going on around us, suffering, pain, injustice, it is so easy to get occupied by what is going on. It is vital though to ensure that we are essentially claiming our preferred frequency instead. it is our responsibility to claim the paradigm that we operate from.
You can not create new revenue when you are stuck between two spaces. I am here, but I would rather be there. No, you have to continue to ground yourselves in the embodiment of the new ‘you’.
What is it that I am embodying?
Regardless of what is happening with your bank balance, all the external things, whatever is going on, oh gosh, you need to acknowledge reality,, deal with it and come back to: “What is it that I am embodying?”. If not, otherwise you embody that stress and it affects your productivity
What is the practical steps you can take for embodiment? You have to fully engage with your vision of the future you choose to have and embody that future now.
This is because you can not be elsewhere but on your path. You are always on your way to a better version of yourself. To fully embody your vision I am shifting to 5000 a month. is your decision now. When you get there, you will see further.
When you resist where you’re now, you simply slow down as opposed to allowing flow.
How do we allow embodiment to be easy and continually expand ourselves?
Your body is made of systems. It is made of organs and tissues. They are made of cells, made of molecules, made of electrons, and those are based on quarks, energy.
The base material of which all the universe exists, the quarks are magnets, positive and negative charges, contained in the same space. And this extends and applies to how we embody and manifest
We, humans, live in duality. Positive and negative emotional experiences are continuously flooding our bodies. Fear and love, pain and pleasure, and duality is in every aspect of our world. Only when we are in balance, we are neutral. Tapping into this balance specifically allows us to facilitate embodiment with the “flow”.
So your mind is either in positive judgment or a negative. By default. And humans really love to have things just be good all the time. People to be around forever, never-ending expansion, pleasure and joy. But by doing so we are actually resisting the true nature of reality and this is childish. This is the energetic environment in which we live. The reality of duality.
Embodiment in the realm of duality
Think of duality as being like a bar magnet. There is a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the opposite end.
Address this. If you cut a magnet in half, you do not get a positive half and a negative half as separate ends. You just shorten the magnet. you get two magnets.
So you can not escape duality. You still have a positive and a negative at the same time. Can not go any lower than that, correct?
The conclusion here is: that you have to be able to detach. To do conscious observing. Do you have practices for that?
Because when you step back, you become the “observer”. Neutral consciousness is then dealing with reality, in which there happens to be good and bad, joy and sorrow, loss and gain. Because you can not have one half of a magnet.
Neutrality has sensations of love, appreciation, gratitude, and higher consciousness. Healing is all about that wholesomeness in accepting yourself. that feeling of spaciousness, that “flow” space.
It is those frequencies you want to embody. To step into that neutrality consciousness. To access your beautiful neutral consciousness space. Acceptance is the behavior that leads you there.
The dynamic of embodiment
In the realm of duality, there is nothing fundamentally broken. It is the amount of self-judgment and attachment that are the challenge. With judgment and attachment, there will always be emotions present, events, and people that will be challenging. they create sensations in our nervous system.
When challenge and support are there together, this is when flow occurs. this is what embodiment is all about. your level of skill and support matches the level of challenge in your environment.
It has to be there for forwarding momentum. ensure that your challenge and support dynamic are really balanced.where do I resist embodiment?
making 5000 a month. that is my goal, feelings sounds, creating visions about that, a memory of the future.
If not, your nervous system will go by default, if there is nothing in the future to reach,it will have to by default fill the space with the memories of the past. Loop with the same behaviors.
“Future embodiment” is creating the future. Better to have a future memory as a reference today: journaling, affirmations, visualizations, pictures, and vision boards and tap into them daily.
Some days you won’t feel as great about doing that, because of your own duality…..when you are uncertin, tired, disappointed. Breakdown in embodiment? The wrong goal? If you think like that, you start attacking the goal and sabotaging yourself. You are sending mixed signals to the universe in this way…
Just give your attention to something else for a little while. Shift your focus, Allow yourself to dance around it. Embodiment is all about practicing consistently, as much as you can.
When it is not feeling good, our wisdom is to step back from it to keep the momentum.
Hypnosis is a great tool to help you embody your desired outcomes. It assists you exactly with installing the new beliefs that support your new vision of you.