We are hard wired to run back to what is familiar. Did you know that 70 % of lottery winners go bankrupt within 3 years of their win?
DENVER — Over the past couple of years several news organizations have attributed a statistic to the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) stating that 70 percent of lottery winners end up bankrupt in just a few years after receiving a large financial windfall.
Michael Carroll lived in the fast lane and blew it all.
Michael Carroll was just 19 when he won Britain’s £9.7 million ($15 million) jackpot in 2002, the Daily Mail reports.But according to media reports from the time, an alleged penchant for crack, parties, prostitutes, and cars put him back at square one in five years.
Last we heard, the former garbageman was hoping to get his old job back.
Is having lots of money familiar to you?
My mentor Marisa Peer always says. “You can not solve money problems with more money.If you are not familiar with having lots of money , this is a block. Because your subconscious mind is hard wired to bring you close to what is familiar to you and away from what is unknown or unusual.”
If you are accustomed to think: “I can’t keep money.Money slips through my fingers. Spending is the only thing I know to do when it comes to money. I never have enough money when I need it.”, you will create experiences for yourself where you lose money, even millions of money.
because the job of your subconscious mind is to keep you consistent with your beliefs. You will behave in a manner compatible with your way of thinking.
If your subconscious mind is not familiar with you having money and sustaining a regular money flow, even if you are given a million overnight, you will not be able to keep it. It is not familiar to you to have a million bucks in the bank, This is it. Finished. Period.
Familiar comes from familiy, of course. What did your grandma use to say about money? Did you have a rich dad or a poor dad? You formed your money beliefs before you were 5 years old perhaps. You learned what you lived. The money beliefs, that are limiting your abundance today are coded in you,, like a bug un a computer, influencing your thinking.
we all have been heavily influenced by our parents with regard to money. If our parents had a healthy relationship with money, our financial life is probably very good. But most of our parents were damaged one way or another when it comes to money, so most of us are pretty damaged too.
Negative beliefs about money are blocking your money magnetism
Negative beliefs about money surface when we have to make decisions in our careers, relationships, in business. We may choose stability over excitement because of deeply ingrained money worries. When we earn and spend money, we do it based on rules that may not make much sense. However we follow these rules, because they are familiar, even when it is to our own detriment.
Here are some common limitations of money magnetism:
There isn’t enough to go around. If I have more, others will lack more.Spendng money makes you poor. Money is hard to earn and easy to lose. Money doesn’t grow on trees. Good people do not pursue money. Rich people are rootless. With money, you never know who your friends are.
Money is the root of all evil. You might argue this to be true, saying, yes, this is what is even written in the Bible about money. But it isn’t.
What is written in the Bible is actually completely different, It is said.”The love of money is the root of all evil.” Which means only if you love money more than you love people then it is causing trouble. Because money is best earned when it is earned for a service rendered. Money best serves you when you love people and use money to make lives better.
A lot of people have a negatvie view of money and feel cautious when they deal with money. We all can relate to some of these common negative beliefs, which get passed on from a generation to the new one. This is all we have been thought to believe, after all. And it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
We know, sometimes people use money as a weapon, to attack others or to buy things that can cause harm to people. Everybody know that we can get hurt by money. We are afraid of money things and we may also begin to be afraid of money. But money by itself is not scary.
You might have a bad memory about money.Money invites jealousy or attracts negative attention.But money doesn’t create trouble, people do.
Become a money magnet by identifying your money blocks
If you want to become a money magnet, you have to recognize and eliminate the familiare money belifs about scarcity, that you are holding for yourself as a result of your early childhood conditioning. What mone blocks are you having that are stopping you?
You have to make having lots of money familiar to you. Charging high for your services and having lots of regular clients a “known” to your subconscious.
You have become accustomed to beliefs like: Money comes to me in ever increasing amounts from a multiple sources. The Universe is generous and full of resources. Money makes my life better, easeier, more comfortable. I deserve abundance. I am worth it.
You do not have to believe your parents beliefs about money if they do not bring you prosperity.You can make the familiar unfamiliar and vice versa.
Here are a couple of questions to ponder upon, that will help you identify your own money blocks:
- How much money do you want? Why do you want it? How will your life be different once you have it? What will it allow to be , do or have?
2.If this is what you want,how comes you do not already have it? What is in the way? List 10 reasons or more. What are your greatest challenges when it comes to manifesting this amount?
3. What is money to you? What are some of your limiting beliefs about money that might be blocking you? List 10 at least.
Once you have become aware of your obstacles, you have a target in front of you. You can only reach a target when you can clearly see it.
Identify your money blocks with hypnosis
What personal money blocks have you become aware of? If you found this exercise difficult, I completely understand. Most of our money beliefs run subconsciously, on automatic, we are not even aware of them,
This is where hypnosis comes in. In regression, you can much more easily access your stored data bank and find those events, times, places, and memories that hold the root, reason, the cause for your lack of financial prosperity today.
Becoming a money magnet is all about eliminating your money blocks. Then abundance flows naturally to you. Because abundance is like the air we breathe. No matter how much you breathe, there is still enough left, for you and for everyone else. Unless……you think otherwise!
In hypnosis, first of all, you are investigating like a good detective what went wrong, and when you are finding the money imprint that has run your life for so long. When you find the imprint, it changes everything. It’s a game-changer. After you found the imprint, you interpret it, then you interrupt it, then you install a brand new one.
All of my 3-month-programs include hypnosis for money magnetism, you can have a look here.
Let’s get in touch!
Does this sound interesting to you? Do you have questions? You can write to me at info@themindpower.eu
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